We are glad you have joined the Y-Koda Nature School 4K family! We are excited to get to know your child over the course of the upcoming school year.
Please check-in on these provided resources periodically to stay connected and updated on happenings.
Sarah Dezwarte - Director of Education - sdezwarte@sheboygancountyymca.org
Willa Leannah - 4K Teacher - wleannah@sheboygancountyymca.org
Mary Gross - Naturalist - mgross@sheboygancountyymca.org
Camp Y-Koda - (920) 467-6882
*If currently enrolled please contact Ms. Leannah via ClassDojo to report absences, tardies, etc.
Maywood Environmental Park
3615 Mueller Road
Sheboygan, WI 53083
Monday - Thursday
No School Friday
Morning Session: 8:00am - 11:00am
Afternoon Session: 12:00pm - 3:00pm