Discover Nature with Little Hands
Ages 4 - 7 with Parent
Join environmental and early childhood educator Ms. Mary for this hands-on, nature based parent-child series at the beautiful Christopher Farm & Gardens.
Each month children will join Ms. Mary as they learn about a different topic with a story, craft, hands-on activity and interactive hike.
The Christopher Farm & Gardens is located at W580 Garton Road in Sheboygan, WI. There is a limit of 16 families per session.
Session 1: April 14, May 19 & June 2, 2021
Session 2: April 15, May 20 & June 3, 2021
- April: Silly Sandhill Cranes
- May: EGG-Stravaganza
- June: Sneaky Foxes
Registration Form - Fillable PDF!